Come and meet the staff at our school.
Roles in the school |
Name |
Photograph |
Headteacher Safeguarding Lead |
Katie Friday |
School Administrator Finance Officer Parent Contact |
Helen Lyons |
Assistant Administrator Parent Contact Paediatric First Aider Fire Marshal |
Natalie Napper |
Teacher for Year 3/4 Subject responsibility: Computing and Creative Arts |
Natasha Chandler |
Teacher for Year 3/4 (Maternity Cover) | Kate Norman |
Teacher for Reception/Year 1 EYFS Lead Subject responsibility: Humanities- History, Geography and Religious Education |
Monique Lambie |
Teacher for Year 1/2 Forest School Leader Subject responsibility: Languages and Communication- English, Modern Foreign Languages |
Eleanor Goodgame |
SENDCo Designated Safeguarding Lead Teacher for Year 5/6 Subject responsibility: Science and DT HLTA |
Sarah Crothers |
HLTA Designated Safeguarding Lead Parent contact Fire Marshal Emotional Literacy Support Assistant Lead for Restorative Practice Senior Mental Health Lead Service Children's Champion |
Anne Platt |
Teaching Assistant KS1 / KS2 and 1:1 support | Niki Archer |
TA for Year Reception/Year 1 and 1:1 support Sports Co-Ordinator Paediatric First Aider Fire Marshal |
Emma Bernasconi |
TA for Year 3/4 and 1:1 support Hoots After School Club |
Suzanne Thomson |
TA for Year 1/2 1:1 support | Lisa Plummer |
TA for Year 3/4/5/6 1:1 support | Gill Gillett |
Breakfast Club Cook Senior Cleaner Paediatric First Aider |
Carol Cottingham |
Breakfast and After School Club- HOOTS Assistant Cook Cleaner Paediatric First Aider |
Mandy Akers |